Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés



“When people ask, Where have you been these past twenty years, why dont you come out very often? I say, I’ve been in my cave underground, working, writing, caring for la familia…. but stay tuned… there will be sightings.”

“If given the choice, choose what makes your life larger rather than smaller.”

“Some people mistake being loving for being a sap. Quite the contrary, the most loving people are often the most fierce and the most acutely armed for battle… for they care about preserving and protecting poetry, symphonic song, ideas, the elements, creatures, inventions, hopes and dreams, dances and holiness… those goodly endeavors that cannot be allowed to perish from this earth, else humanity itself would perish…” from The Dangerous Old Woman

If you have never been called a defiant, incorrigible, impossible woman… have faith… there is yet time…” from Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype


As of May 2010, these brand new audio teaching-series are availible at SoundsTrue.com

–Mother Night: Myths, Stories, and Teachings for Learning to See in the Dark

–The Dangerous Old Woman manuscript: Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype,  given in the old oral tradition

  1. Loving the wisdom of Mother Night & Dangerous Old Women. At nearly 80, I feel like I’m being wrapped in a warm blanket and read by my Nana. .

  2. i have long wanted to thank you the sheer pleasure of your/our! women who run with the wolves.

  3. What a pleasure finding such an esteemed person as you here at Word Press!

  4. I hope this is indeed you, true…and you. Have been waiting for a long time for more of your insights. That which makes me think, questions, wonder…and then understand.

  5. Listening to “Seeing in the Dark” today came at JUST the right time in my life. THANK YOU!

  6. thank you. I hope to see you at the
    Mysterium in Aug.

  7. Listening to Mother Nighht:) Love to hear your voice your words. Thank you for your “wild-ness”.

  8. Dear Miss Clarissa,
    Have been listening to your stuff for a couple of months now. I am a stone child who is working on warming himself. Have enjoyed and learned and really cherish your words. Am looking forward to your book on men. Keep it going.

  9. I cannot tell you how delighted I am to have stumbled upon this site! I have been trying to get a copy of Dangerous Old Woman for YEARS. Can scarcely wait.

    God bless!

  10. Thank you for being the candle in the storm

  11. please send me your postings.

  12. As always thank you for your beautiful words… with much love

  13. Who writes this site ?

    it is the proper Clarissa ???

    • ‘the proper Clarissa’ … this makes me smile…

      ‘proper Clarissa’ as opped to ‘the ‘improper’ Clarissa’? ‘ lol

  14. so grateful for you and your work. gracias.

  15. Querida Clarissa,

    empecé a leer tu libro al principio de mi proceso de terapia, y durante…me ha acompañado en mis tránsitos, separaciones, muertes, resurrecciones, siempre “te he” tenido cerquita de mí, poniendo palabra y poesía a mis sueños, a los anhelos de mi alma, al mismo tiempo que me conectabas con tus cuentos sanadores con el sentir de otras mujeres, otros seres, da igual la cultura…todos nos conectamos en lo numinoso, en esa niebla interior…

    No tengo palabras para agradecerte tu compañía, como una llamita en mi corazón…
    Yo también desearía poder leerte aquí en español…A ver..;-)
    Gracias profundamente.

  16. Clasissa!!! me lei “mujeres que corren con los lobos” y hoy es mi libro de cabecera, esta escrito desde y para el alma de la mujer, te admiro muchisimo, tu obra es sencillamente genial! Me encantaria que todos estos escritos pudieran leerse en nuestro hermoso español, para poder seguir nutriendome de tu sabiduria, sera posible que en alguna ocasion se lleguen a traducir?
    Un abrazo

  17. Thank you so much and how very true.

  18. Clarissa, me encantaría poder entender el inglés perfectamente para ver tus escritos. Sería mucho pedir que en tu página se pueda elegir el idioma?
    Te admiro y quiero mucho. Estoy leyendo Mujeres que corren con lobos. Me parece genial!!

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